Quality assurance is a challenge when the sourcing factory is at the other side of Pacific Ocean. Our sourcing consultants develop quality control program that better fit Chinese manufacturer's production processes, ensuring manufacturer to follow the quality management system in documenting, implementing and maintaining the designed operation processes. We also put corrective measures and continuous improvement program in place for long term high performance. More importantly, our field engineers work closely with local manufacturers to compliance of your quality assurance requirements.
We follow the following processes and policy to develop and manage your quality assurance program.
ChinaLinQ not only develops practical quality assurance program for customer's specific products, but also monitor and supervise the implementation and compliance.
We are well versed with ISO 9001 conformities and skillful in identify flaws and non-compliance in a quality control system. Our team of field engineers have many years of experience in helping our customers to ensure their quality control programs. With SpecsPro managing your quality assurance program, you have piece in mind about your product quality.